Computer Science/Basics and Concepts

Tools for Data Science (from Coursera)

metamong 2022. 3. 26.

1. Data Scientist's Toolkit

[1] Languages of Data Science

# Python

 by far the most popular programming language for data science





* a MUST in data engineering

the interpreter between you and the database


# Java

 a tried-and-true general-purpose object oriented programming language.

 It's been widely adopted in the enterprise space and is designed to be fast and scalable



# Scala




[2] Data Science Tools

 Data Management) the process of persisting and retrieving data




-- with some cases --


 Data Management) 

[3] Libraries for DS

** <Libraries> = 






Seaborn vs Matplotlib

👏 정리 너무 잘해놓은 GeeksforGeeks 포스팅 글 그대로 발췌 👏 👐 Data Visualization is the graphic representation of data. It converts a huge dataset into small graphs, thus aiding in data analysi..




[4] API






[5] Data Sets 




Tabular Data 🗄️

Tabular Data is... 1. Data organized into a table 2. Table is a grid of data 3. Column must be same type (homogenous data) 4. (but) Row can contain many types (heterogenous data) (ofc each eleme..



[6] ML/DL Models




2. Open Source Tools

[1] Jupyter Notebook & JupyterLab

# Jupyter Notebook) 




Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending. - adam-p/markdown-here

# JupyterLab) 

[2] R & R Studio

# R) 




# Popular R libraries for DS



[3] Git & GitHub 

# A Version Control System) allows you to keep track of changes to your documents





# commands)


# Working with Branches

 branch = a snapshot of your repository to which you can make changes

 the main branch(Master) = 



 pull request) 

* 출처) <Tools for Data Science> (by Coursera)

* 썸네일 출처)
