IT knowledge/VCS

What is VCS?

metamong 2022. 3. 31.

* VCS(Version Control System) concepts

๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍โ™‚๏ธ GOAL of VCS = 'To Keep track of Changes made to our files'


→ when try to manage some changes in IT, it's super important to have detailed historical info

→ this lets the managers see what was modified and when (can be criticial to troubleshooting)

→ also provides a documentation trail for future IT specialists to understand why the infrastructure is the way it is

→ provides a mechanism for undoing a change completely (we don't have to undo changes from memory)

ex) by releasing code only after properly testing, we can avoid having to push quick-fix after quick-fix

→ so crucial for a healthy codebase for all kinds of IT resources & letting people collaborate on the same projects together 


*** when people don't know what VCS is...! ***


they manually.. 'keep historical copies' โ‰ซ 'diffing files'(diff command) โ‰ซ 'applying changes'(patch command)



'by using VCS..'


→ we can know when changes were made & and who made them

 can easily revert to past if it turned out to be not a good idea

→ tracking changes allows for easy rollbacks when a problem is detected

→ make us collaborate easier by allowing us from merge changes from lots of different sources

→ keeps us all the different changes (as we save our changes)

โ€ป we can make edits to multiple files, treat that collection of edits as a single change, which is commonly known as a commit 

→ VCS allows the author of a commit to record why the change was made (be sure to record this..!)

→ stores the code & configuration & history of it

→ we can make the IT systems more scalable & reliable


Q) Tracking code in a VCS ensures that it's bug free (X)

A) a VCS doesn't ensure the quality of our code

* source) 'Introduction to Git & GitHub' by Coursera

'IT knowledge > VCS' ์นดํ…Œ๊ณ ๋ฆฌ์˜ ๋‹ค๋ฅธ ๊ธ€

Git fundamentals (w/GitHub)  (0) 2022.03.31
